
Home > ANSYS Q3D 教學 > Q3D Extractor Tips


The article is intended to introduce some very useful skills, and demonstrates on Q3D Extractor 2014 platform. 

  1. Local Reference

  2. Mesh Setting Rules

  3. Converge and Speed-up Setting

  4. How to avoid material impact?

  5. Quickly add many source/sink ports -- method I for fixed pitch

  6. Quickly add many source/sink ports -- method II for objects on the same axis

  7. 問題與討論

    7.1 何時需要設定local reference?

    7.2 為何只計算電容則不需要設source/sink?

    7.3 SI2D solution type:[Open]、[Close]分別的使用時機?

    7.4 在step1.2.2中,兩種方法設定local reference (ground)有沒有差異? (重要)

  8. Reference

  1. Local Reference   

1.1 What is "local reference"

When computing capacitance, by default, Q3D Extractor uses the voltage=0V at infinity as a reference. That is, there is charge at infinity. However, in some case, you may want to use a grounded net in the model (in the solution region) as a reference, that is "local reference". This will cause the potential at infinity is not fixed at 0V, and it depends on voltages inside the model, that is "float at infinity". [Float at Infinity] implies the "total charge" at infinity is zero.

1.2 How to set "Local Reference"

1.2.1 [Q3D Extractor] \ [Reduce Matrix] \ [Float at Infinity], and this is post-process

1.2.2 Select a object in model to set ground net (as reference).

Method I:[Assign Net] \ [Ground]

Method II:[Reduce Matrix] \ [Ground Net]

Please note that:the sequence of setting [floating at infinity] and [Ground net] will affect the C matrix result. Refer to here

1.2.3 Check the result by selecting reduce matrix

沒有設定float at infinity時,看任一行的數值總和不為0,0.64464+0.64471=1.28935¹1.3926。這表示在 求解區域內的object/model,與無窮遠處電力線/電荷的交互作用存在 (無窮遠處存在參考地)。

設定float at infinity後,看任一行的數值總和為0 (電荷守恆),0.69245+0.69245=1.3849。這表示在 求解區域內的object/model,與無窮遠處沒有電力線/電荷的交互作用存在 (無窮遠處沒有參考地)。

C matrix result table對角線單元為自容Cself,其值為正,非對角線單元為互容Cmutual,其值為負。HELP內有說明,正負表示相對感應的關係,that is |Cself| = |sum of all Cmutual relative to the conductor|

讀者可以建一個只有單一導體的design,設定floating at infinity,看看此時的Cself是多少?

 Ans:For single conductor, Cself is always 0 under floating at infinity.


  1. Mesh Setting Rules 

2.1 General Manual Mesh Setting

  • [Modeler] \ [Model Analysis] \ [Analysis Object], to find small edge or sliver face to healing

  • [Q3D Extractor] \ [Mesh Operations] \ [Assign] \ [Model Resolution]
    通常是很密的結構DC solver mesh出現mesh leak error時採用的招數

  • [Modeler] \ [Units]
    通常是mesh遇到error message,提醒你更換小單位表示時才會用到

2.2 For Project with Curved Surface

[Q3D Extractor] \ [Mesh Operations] \ [Initial Mesh Settings]

這對於probe card、測試板廠,要模擬上百根20um圓形直徑與間距的探針,幫助pass initial mesh很常用的設定 。但其實更建議的做法是,在一開始建立3D model時,就以多邊形(faced by 8~12 segments)來表示圓形結構

2.3 For Project with Super Thin Layer (<0.1um)

  • Change units from [mm] to [mils]

  • Set [Surface Approximation]

Q3D v11(含)以前的版本,對於大面積且厚度<=0.1um的object求解,建議放大厚度求解,否則mesh會很辛苦,並且要換算等效介電係數與導電率。Q3D v12開始,可以支持導體厚度=0的求解 (Assign "Thin Conductor" boundary),這對於In-cell的應用,或是求解um等級的細線耦合量(不能放大厚度),非常有用

2.4 For Layered Structure as PCB or Projected Capacitive Touch Panel (常用)

[Q3D Extractor] \ [Mesh Operations] \ [Initial Mesh Settings]

[Class mesh] is always better for layer structure application

  1. Converge and Speed-up Setting 

3.1 HPC (High Performance Computing)

  • [Tools] \ [Edit Active Analysis Configuration

3.1.1 Tasks指的是可以分散的工作數目,比方CG\DC_RL\AC_RL solve process如果都需要計算,就可以分三個Tasks並行運算

task不是越多越好,以上圖設定為例,每個task分到4 core。一般建議每個task分到6~8 core的前提下,task越多效能越好

3.1.2 Cores指的是核心數,不管是真正硬體核心數,或軟體加倍後的threads數目。(一般是建議關掉軟體threads)

3.1.3 可以使用IP Address或DNS Name指定網路內不同的machine來一起運算。

3.1.4 添加machine list。在互聯時,要關掉Window防火牆,且每台電腦各自都要裝Q3D與RMS

3.1.5 可以測試對machine的網路連線是否正常

3.1.6 指定要分散處理(並行處理)的工作(task)種類

3.1.8 如果在step7有選超過兩類的distribute type,而在step2設的task數目也夠多,那這裡就可以設two level(巢狀式分散處理)

  • [Q3D Extractor] \ [Analysis Setup]

Q3D的solution frequency不會影響initial mesh,但會影響AC_RL matrix的計算結果,所以solution frequency必須設在AC region。


3.2 Make sure the number of mesh enough -- set [Min. Converged Passes]=2用來避免假收斂

3.3 Speed up convergence for complex structure

舊版的Q3D solution order分三檔:Normal, High, Very High;自Q3D2015.1(R16.1)起,solution order分四檔:Normal, High, Higher, Highest

3.3.1 For case1(5x5 patterns, 2 layer ITO) with real thickness 10um and Q3D2015.1

Normal order, percent error 0.5% -- it takes 8:12, more mesh but much faster

Highest order, percent error 0.5% -- it takes 17:21, much slower

3.3.2 For case1(5x5 patterns, 2 layer ITO) with thin conductor 0.1um and Q3D2015.1

Normal order, percent error 0.5% -- it takes 4:26, more mesh but much faster

Highest order, percent error 0.5% -- it takes 23:52, much slower

3.3.3 For case2(1x2 patterns, 1 layer ITO with VCOM) with real thickness 10um and Q3D2015.1

Normal order -- it takes 4:53, slower

Highest order -- it takes 2:36, faster

In general, set Solution Order as [Normal] by default is good (an001 3.3.1, an001 3.3.2), but for some cases that is hard to converge as an001 3.3.3, 6.1, 7.8, set Solution Order as [Higher\Highest] is better.

High order的作用是透過較高階數的矩陣數值運算,以較少的mesh而可以較快達到所要求的percent error。所以high order會讓mesh時間減少,但matrix solver時間卻增加。對於net數較少,或很難收斂的題目(percent error£0.1),建議可設較高階的order.

同一個題目,有可能你求解要求是0.5%時用[Normal]較快(an001 3.3.2),但若求解目標改成0.1%收斂兩次時,則[Highest]較快(Basic PCPT 7.8)。表示該題目以[Normal]很難收斂到0.1%以下

  1. How to avoid material impact? 

[Q3D Extractor] \ [Design Settings]

  1. Quickly add many source/sink ports -- method I for fixed pitch 

5.1 Create a sheet to set source/sink

5.2 [Edit] \ [Duplicate] \ [Along Line], then set duplicate number

5.3 Assign source/sink:[Q3D Extractor] \ [Nets] \ [Assign 2D Terminals]

  1. Quickly add many source/sink ports -- method II for objects on the same axis 

6.1 Create a coordinate to snap the face of objects which need ports

[Modeler] \ [Coordinate System] \ [Create] \ [Relative CS] \ [Offset]

6.2 Change to [XZ] plane, then right-click to select [Faces On Plane]

6.3 Create sheet:[Modeler] \ [Surface] \ [Create Object From Face]

6.4 Assign source/sink:[Q3D Extractor] \ [Nets] \ [Assign 2D Terminals]

  1. 問題與討論

7.1 何時需要設定local reference? 

Ans:筆者的習慣是,對於要計算電容的Q3D例子,都默認增加設定[Float at Infinity],但不另設[Ground Net]

7.2 為何只計算電容則不需要設source/sink? 


從R16版本起,Q3D求解DC_RL如果沒有設sink\source,validation check就能幫你檢查出來,提醒你注意喔

7.3 SI2D的solution type:[Open]、[Close]分別的使用時機? 

Ans:只有coaxial cable的分析會用到[Close] type,與[surface ground] conductor.

7.4 在step1.2.2中,兩種方法設定local reference (ground)有沒有差異? 

Ans:Method I與Method II的CG結果會有些微不同(mesh的數目就不同),但這差異不大(約0.6%)。如果要讓結果相同,把Percent Error設的更小一點(0.3%改0.1%),讓mesh切得更細即可。

直接設Grounded Net type或靠Reduce Matrix設Ground Net,CG與DC_RL結果一樣,但Ground Net RM with sink\source則會影響AC_RL。


1. "assign ground net" treats the conductor V=0, and affects C matrix only

Grounded Net type不影響DC_RL與AC_RL,對C matrix的影響是把該conductor視為V=0並將其在C matrix隱藏起來。而對C matrix計算來說,把物件ground的另一方法是:指定導體材料, 但不對它做auto. identify net。

2. "ground net" reduce matrix with sink\source:nearby net's magnetic filed will induce current on the grounded plane surface, so it affects AC_RL matrix.

Matrix reduction is the only way to model grounded conductors in inductance and resistance computations.

只有使用Method II,才能在ground net上設定sink\source,也唯有如此才能考慮ground plane上的電流動方向,其影響AC_RL,不影響CG與DC_RL。有定義current loop所得到的AC region RL值才準確,若設一個沒有sink\source的ground net,其AC_R會偏小,AC_L會偏大,即只能表示低頻的特性 。

在Reduce Matrix設ground net或return path,兩者也不同。後者是用loop L=L1+L2-2*L12這種partial L的關係計算,會同時影響DC_RL與AC_RL。其適用於return current只在某一導體的封閉迴路內流動的情況,算出的AC_RL值會 比ground net RM得到的值略大。

Method I與Method II,若後者不在ground net上設sink\source,則兩方法結果相同。若後者在ground net上設sink\source,唯有這種做法才能表現AC_RL高頻的真實特性,因為有考慮induced current在ground plane上的流動。

設成ground net的金屬平面上流動的是周圍訊號線對V=0平面的感應電流,設成return path的金屬平面流動的則是所有訊號的電流(DC+AC)被強制迴流

  1. Reference

[1] Advanced Q3D usage